Dwayne Reid wrote: > I am enclosing code written a couple of years ago for serial TX. > Note that THREE different routines are included: 9600, 19200, 38400 > baud. You can change the code to be LO or HI marking by swapping > the 2 instructions noted. > > These routines are based upon ideas from both Mike Harrison and Andy > Warren and use only 15 code spaces and 1 register. Dwayne: Actually, I can't really take credit for anything but the use of a "GOTO $+1" as a two-cycle NOP. As I recall, Mike Harrison's original code used "MOVF PC", instead... Not real safe. > There are 3 different versions for 9600, 19200, and 38,400 baud. Have you actually TESTED the 19200 and 38400 baud versions? Maybe I'm missing something, but it looks to me as though all bits after the start bit will be sent at 9600 baud. -Andy === Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === === Custodian of the PICLIST Fund -- For more info, see: === http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499/fund.html