[snip] stuff from others... this is not an advertise, read in peace :) and be piece of peace with you! (I am the hater of junkmails...almost ready to hit those who deliver advert mailings to my home...usually I am frienfly). I got UMPS mails in several newsgroups/lists but after receiving the _first_ one I started to download it - had some trouble, but managed in few days(!) and am not disappointed in many hours spent for the download. There have been not many comments, so I'll try to fill the gap. UMPS is exactly what I wanted to do - many years ago - all I wanted, all I would have done is DONE! And I found many surprises... all positive, how things are nicely implemented. There is lotsa hard work in it, several human (y)ears, cant estimate how much, but several. The price is ... I would say it is pretty well adjusted to the features and performance. And proud to announce that Silicon Studio will supply UMPS plug-ins in the future to link UMPS to real world, for I/O emulation PODS and other computer controlled hardware. Then the simulator will turn into an emulator. (not real time) When you now compare the price then...? We started to make PINAPI based microcontroller emulation programs only a month ago - two of them currently being used, but I have decided to add external I/O access to UMPS instead of making our own emulators, those the well tested CPU simulator can be used and I need only to provide the link to hardware drivers. (We will still have few more emulators and enhance the existing ones) Also planned are UMPS plug-in resources for our custom chips that are waiting to be released :) so I am very excited and I think many people will have fun to use it, and spare time in debugging things. As of today it possible to test as example LCD or I2C, microwire, PWM serial I/O on UMPS and many other peripherals with no real hardware required! Just select C84 as core(for example), click on LCD resource connect the wires with mouse, select LCD type and run your PIC program - if it OK, you see the text on LCD. Oh - I really was amazed that the LCD resource had even option to select the clock frquency of the LCD controller. And there is instant logger of the commands sent to LCD, so trouble check is very easy. As for those who are waiting for AVR - AVR will be added to UMPS, I do my best to make it happen - think it is enough :) and I think more CPU's will be added as well. Oh, when it come to AVR there is something more that links AVR to PIC's: namely available today (to closed parties) is second in the family of VPROC (virtual processors): Virtual AVR emulator for PIC16F84, The current firmware uses C84 as target chip and emulates a AVR with 128 words prog mem and 64 bytes EEPROM The Virtual AVR is currently being tested, and runs many of the Atmel AVR Appnotes correctly. Yes today it is possible to write programs for AVR, to assembly them with AVRASM, to verify them with WAVRSIM, and then program the AVR object code directly into PIC, and see it to mimic and AVR. Uh, more on thematics of 'other pics' - I am currently porting BAJ's NCPI (Nano Pseudo C Interpreter) from PIC to AVR, and folks AVR programming is fun, BIG FUN. Well some caveats to exist too as always. Hope people waiting for SPC-1 to be released are not too disappointed, it will be there, but as at this moment many projects/products are in getting ready status, then,,, oh just please be patient. And keep in mind that there are exactly 25 hour per day each day and not more. chairs! ^some people know what this meens :) [comments welcome in private mail] antti PS UMPS demo also downloadable from http://sistudio.com/umps PPS and exkuse mua (Excuse me in estonian, not translatable) for my bad english style and mixed mode handwriting - I speak the five human languages I know equally bad, being much better with machine code - my first experience was to emulate i8080 debug monitor execution in my head using hex dump printout of it. Many years ago in the army,,, Sh what's wrong with me? why that long mail, at least and lst I truly hope nobody takes it personally or classifies as junk or unjustified ad posting. and this it, I will have more fun with AVR's tonight. -- Silicon Studio Ltd. -- http://www.sistudio.com