Hello Nick, > Does anyone know of a source for "Easy Pic'n" in the UK.... Try this address, they have "Easy Pic'n" book, Edward Buckley MilfordHouse 120 High Street South Milford Leeds England VOICE is 44 1977 683665 FAX # is 44 1977 681465 E-Mail is ed@milinst.demon.co.uk P:S: Explain me waht append with your mail serve in England, because i always receive a mail return when i want to send a mail to England -----------------------------+----------------------------------- Paulo Figueiredo | Idite-Minho email: pxico@idite-minho.pt | Centro de Automagco e Electrsnica tel: +351-53-619470 | Av. Dr. Francisco Pires Gongalves fax: +351-53-612957 | 4700 - Braga (Portugal) _________________________________________________________________