The cheapest video digitizer I know of is called DCFG, or Dirt Cheap Frame Grabber. It uses a 339 comparator and a couple of diodes and transistors and a few resistors. No PIC. You ought to be able to find it if you do a search for its name. Gray-scale, with a depth of almost 4 bits(12 levels of gray). The resolution is not great, but it's real-time(15fps) and it comes with source(in turbo pascal) and if you have a good computer and can run the isa bus clock fast(it hooks to the printer port, whose maximum speed is ultimately dependent on the isa bus speed) you can get higher resolution if you modify the source a little and recompile the program. That's about as simple as it gets! -Bob At 07:35 PM 2/18/97 +0000, you wrote: >Is there a way of creating a *CHEAP* video digitizer with a pic? I >would also be interested in knowing if there are plans for this, or >plans for a video digitizer without a PIC inot. I would appreciate >any help. > >Barry Carter > >