Hello again! I now need to send serial data with 1 start, 8 data and 2 stop bits. I figure I'll set the transmitter for 9 data bits and set the msb to a 1 to get the 2 stop bits. But, I need to send a break that has the same timing as two bytes (22 bit times). I don't see a break feature in the datasheet. It seems that I SHOULD be able to tell the port that bit is a normal port bit instead of the serial transmitter output, but it looks like that's controlled by SPEN, which enables BOTH the transmitter and receiver, and I want to keep the receiver going. Checking further, page 2-604 of the 95/96 PIC data book indicates that clearing TXEN will reset the transmitter "the TX bit will revert to high impedance." I'm guessing that the pin is STILL not connected to the output latch, but is just kinda floating. True? I COULD add a pull-down resistor to pull the line down when I disable the transmitter, yielding a break, but since the ideal design has zero parts, adding a resistor moves us away from that ideal. Any other ideas? Thanks! Harold