Hi, I need a case statement in my application and because it is so repetetive am looking to implement it as a macro. The basic blocks of the case look like: movlw CmdA xorwf RX_Cmd, w skpnz goto doCmdA movlw CmdB xorwf RX_Cmd, w skpnz goto doCmdB ... CmdA and CmdB are constant values defined elsewhere. RX_Cmd is a command which this PIC needs to execute received from another processor. There may be a couple of dozen commands randomly scattered across the 256 bit combinations (I have no control over that) so a jump table is not an option. I would like to code each section into a macro a bit like this: _case macro cmd movlw cmd xorwf RX_Cmd, w skpnz goto *** this is where I get stuck endm What I would like to do here is put a line like: goto "do"+cmd but this doesn't work. Are there any string manipulation operators in the MPASM macro language that I can use? Regards, Mike Watson