At 12:00 AM 17/03/97 -0600, you wrote: >Hello All. > Is there anyone that has used Magic Sine Waves in an application ?? I think that was Don's intention - to raise the capital to produce fully functioning units as part of a business plan - perhaps with the eventual aim of floating the company. I've >looked at all the data from Don's web site and it sounds like, as he would >call it, " Pseudo Science ". ( maybe because I don't know enough to tell >what is smoke or not ). It seems very reasonable and real. I see that minor variations in a regular PWM approach can give improved results:- the 'magic sinewaves' is just a logical extension of this - well logical in the sense that it is more focused on producing the bit stream directly from some formula instead of via some iterative method - which is likely to be very time consuming indeed ! > Before I make a fool out of myself ( and spend money that I don't have ) >could someone just confirm that they are not smoke and mirrors ?? I think is worth while pursuing - but then you would be a fool if you spent money you don't have, then that would be a debt you'd be lumbered with ;) Anyway I think its a worthwhile gamble at least for basic research purposes. > Thanks a bunch for your time. And you get the electrons free :) Rgds Mike Some say there is no magic but, all things begin with thought then it becomes academic, then some poor slob works out a practical way to implement all that theory, this is called Engineering - for most people another form of magic. Massen