At 08:46 AM 16/03/97 -0500, you wrote: >>So guys - do the 'professionals' supply a covering letter with the source >code >>to the effect that 'copyright' is reserved or do the 'professionals' not >>let any source code leave their premises - and only supply binaries ? > >I prefer to provide only pre-programmed chips (with CP fuse blown), or to >provide the code to a third-party burning service who is put under a NDA to >keep the code from the customer. A good practice - I do the same. Its surprising though how much many slightly technically literate 'entrepeneurs' over-value this. Perhaps it has a lot to do with the need to control the 'core technology' so their investment is not marginalised and should another customer approach you with a similar requirement. I suppose that in the process of you developing critical code segments that could be used for other purposes - that these are retained as your own intellectual property and never sold outright ? >The source code goes to a lawyer who puts the files in an "escrow" account, >to be delivered to the customer in 5 years or we go out of business. Please clarify, is this 5 years from the delivery of 1st working unit of the completed development or 5 years after the last delivery of pre-programmed chips. Do you get the client to explicitly pay the lawyers fees or does that come out of 'normal administrative overhead' ? Anyway, after 5 years do you still retain copyright indefinitely ? >It all depends on the customer, though. Some get source with no restrictions. True, does depend on the customers requirements and what they think they need to be in production and how much support they require you for. When you say no restrictions - does that mean that the company can on-sell the source code and project to a third party - then who owns the copyright ? Can the company include the 'unrestricted' source material on their asset register ? Rgds Mike Some say there is no magic but, all things begin with thought then it becomes academic, then some poor slob works out a practical way to implement all that theory, this is called Engineering - for most people another form of magic. Massen