Peter Wintulich wrote: > > I thought of some possable ways of reducing the number of > control lines required to opperate a led matrix. > > 1) Using a 47hc4017 as a colum driver in various ways: > > A) Drive the clock lines seperately one for each LED colour, > and have a common MR (Master Reset). > > B) Use a common clock line but seperate MR's one for each > colour. > > C) Cascade two 4017's having one clock & one MR line, and > interlive the collums of LED colours. PIC port RB could > directly drive the row of LEDs via current limit resistors. > > After thinking about the above options I thought the colour > mixing would be too messy & not officiant. > (option C seamed simplest but would only light 8 leds at a > time.) > > 2) Using 74hc374 (Octal Latch) for each LED colour. > This would allow 16 LEDs to light at once (giving a brighter > display) & is easy to get colour mixing. This uses PIC port > RB as an 8 bit bus, which is connected to the inputs of each > Octal Latch & directly to the collum drives (For up to 8 > collums). Two other PIC O/Ps are used to latch the data into > each Octal Latch. The -OE (Output Enable) lines of the > latches could be tied LOW, always enabled. > > For a wider display: > > A) For 10 collums use the two PIC O/Ps that Opperate the > Octal latches as the latches are rising edge triggered. Only > Reset the lines LOW if you don't want them high. > > B) Use a shift register or equivelent to the required bit length. > The clock can be one of the Octal Latch latch inputs. The > reseting of the shift register could be by a seperate PIC O/P > or by an AND, OR or NOR of the two latch lines for the Octal > Latches. > > C) A combination of using RB lines & a shift register could > be used to keep extra components to a minimum. > > 4017's make OK for collum scanners (active high o/p), they > can be cascaded although this could reduce their effective > width to 8 or 9 bits depending on how they are connected > together. > Something you could consider, is to hook a bicolour (two terminal) LED to the output of a common inverter gate, and a voltage divider. By driving the input high, low, or toggling, you can create a couple of colours. Power the inverter from 10V. -- Friendly Regards Tjaart van der Walt _____________________________________________________________ | Another sun-deprived R&D Engineer slaving away in a dungeon | | WASP International | | GSM and GPS value-added applications | | Voice : +27-(0)11-622-8686 | Fax : +27-(0)11-622-8686 | |_____________________________________________________________|