Andrew Warren wrote: > > Tjaart van der Walt wrote: > > As you know, I do a fair amount of "pure" consulting in addition > to the contract design that occupies most of my time... Most of > that consulting is for companies with small (one- to > three-person) software-engineering departments. > > You'd be amazed -- I was, initially -- at the lack of quality in > the code produced by most of these teams... I usually ask to see > examples of both their most-recently- and LEAST-recently-written > code, and there's often no real improvement between the two > examples, even in cases where the guys have been writing PIC > code for YEARS. > > It's not their fault, really; it's just that they've usually been > working in isolation and just don't realize that there ARE better > ways. Also, many of the "software engineers" in the > embedded-control industry have little or no formal software > training... Lots of them are electrical engineers who just fell > into writing software out of necessity. > > No matter what the reason for their poor skills, though, most of > the clients to whom I show those programming "tricks" INSTANTLY > see the light and are able to make HUGE leaps forward. > > More importantly, though, the realization that "there are more > things in assembly-language software than are dreamt of in their > philosophy" seems to rekindle their interest in programming... > The same guys who were content to let their skills stagnate for > years suddenly start telephoning to tell me about the exciting > new programming techniques they've "discovered", and when I make > a followup visit six months after the initial one, I usually find > that their newest code is SIGNIFICANTLY improved over the crap > they used to write. Touche! I visited a major local company some time ago and discovered that they use a compiler that I personally found *many* bugs in. (Even more than MPLABC ) > > So, to get back to my point... > > Programming languages are just like all human languages; it's > possible (and maybe even desirable) to learn the vocabulary and > grammar on your own, but in order to become FLUENT, you need to > have a strong grasp on the language's idioms, dialects, and > subtle nuances... And to accomplish that, you need to actually > interact with people who already SPEAK the language. > Just my opinion; I could be wrong. I agree - as long as you know the basics before you start making speeches. Otherwise you'd be asking people for a pre-written speech because you don't want to reinvent the wheel.... Geez, how *that* one really grates me! -- Friendly Regards Tjaart van der Walt _____________________________________________________________ | Another sun-deprived R&D Engineer slaving away in a dungeon | | WASP International | | GSM and GPS value-added applications | | Voice : +27-(0)11-622-8686 | Fax : +27-(0)11-622-8686 | |_____________________________________________________________|