I wrote: > I've read the first edition of the Gardner book... I thought it > sucked. and Matt Calder replied: > These are such strong words, I feeled compelled to say in Mr. > Gardener's defense that the book is not that bad. I had a lot of > programming experience, modest microprocessor knowledge, and some > electronics when I first picked up the Gardener book and I never > felt that my intellegence was being insulted. The problem, Matt, is not that it's TOO basic, but that it's not basic ENOUGH. Show it to someone who doesn't have "a lot of programming experience, modest microprocessor knowledge, and some electronics" and see what he or she thinks. Afterward, just for laughs, you might want to show Microchip's own databook and Embedded Control Handbook (available for free from your Microchip rep) to your beginner and see if he can find anything in the Gardner book that isn't also in the Microchip books. > most importantly it is the only PIC book and one of the few > 'project' books available at the Tattered Cover bookstore in > Denver (one of the largest book stores in the US). My mother always > said if I didn't like her cooking I should start cooking and stop > making faces. Fortunately, Dave Benson didn't just "start cooking"; he wrote an excellent cookbook, instead. It's called "Easy PIC'n" and is available from a number of sources, including the author. It's the only book I recommend to beginning PIC programmers. The Tattered Cover is, as you say, one of the finest bookstores in the country... I'm sure that if you inform them of the existence of Dave's book, they'll order a batch from him. -Andy === Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === === Custodian of the PICLIST Fund -- For more info, see: === http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499/fund.html