Hi everyone! I tried to make a program for the PIC16C84 wich turns certain pins of portb low. (I took the exemple from the data sheet section 5-2.) I was hoping for the program to work (it looks so simple!) but for some unknow reason, it doesn`t. It could be hardware problem, but not sure... it uses RC oscillator. ***************************************************************************** INCLUDE C:\DEV\MPASM\P16C84.INC CLRF PORTB ; initizalise PORTB data latches BSF STATUS, RP0 ; select bank 1 MOVLW 0xCF ; initizalise data direction MOVWF TRISB ; set RB<3:0> as inputs, ; RB<5:4> as outputs and RB<7:6> as inputs END ; end program ***************************************************************************** That`s it! If something is wrong, please tell me! If there`s no error, well, I guess I`ll need help on the hardware part.. (How to connect the pic) Thank you! - Please reply ASAP! Jean-Francois Joly --------------- Jean-Francois & Alain Joly jolyal@capitalnet.com