I need an A/D converter as cheap & fast as possible. I like AN513; it uses a counter synchronized to a charging cap, which the input voltage is compared to; A single slope converter. I think the 768 uS conversion time could be shortened, by adding or subtracting charge in microsecond binary-wieghted chunks (.5,1,2,4,8,16,32,64) in a succesive-approximation style. Using a binary-time wieghted exponential ramp switching and a comparator sampling every 1 us for an 8-bit A/D conversion in under 10 us. My first attempt at this has produced disapointing results- critical adjustments of the RC time constants of an exponential ramp generator, which is switched into an integrator (depending on data bit) resulted in D to A generation with poor linearity & performance limited to 5 bits. Anyone try that or have better problem fixes, better idea's & code? Is it unrealistic to expect to be able to accurately integrate (with RC) the 8th time constant of a seperate RC network, for the least significant wieght bit? How good of a comparator is a PIC input? Is it affected by power supply noise, output swiching/states, et? Thanks.