The Micro-bRISC Device Programmer Brisk programming of RISC microcontrollers If anyone wants to build a super fast and inexpensive PIC16CXX mid-range microcontroller programmer, check out the January 1996 issue of Circuit Cellar INK for the schematic and feature article detailing the Micro-bRISC Device Programmer. The public domain freeware software and firmware (MICBRISC.ZIP) can be obtained at the following address: As its name implies, the Micro-bRISC Device Programmer is an extremely fast programmer for Microchip's RISC-based PIC16CXX mid-range family of microcontrollers. Brisk performance is achieved through an efficient parallel port interface and a target Microchip PIC16C57 microcontroller running at 20 MHz. True byte-wide transfers are realized when using a bidirectional parallel port, offering the highest programming throughput. Sample programming cycle times (blank check, program and verify): 1K word device (i.e. PIC16C71): 1 second 2K word device (i.e. PIC16C64): 2 seconds 4K word device (i.e. PIC16C74): 4 seconds The highly-functional and high-quality software provides standard PROGRAM, BLANK CHECK, READ, VERIFY, and EDIT functions. Customer ID program/edit and device checksum are also supported. Full support of PIC16C84 as well, including 4 types of lightning-fast bulk erasing! One of the quickest development-class PIC programmers available, the Micro- bRISC Device Programmer provides an elegant and inexpensive solution for a first or second PIC programmer for the home, office, school, or lab. This software is an actual working version (lite edition) that can program the '64, '71, '74, and '84. VB DOS GUI software! Has DEMO mode for instant evaluation. ENJOY! Ken Pergola (Micro-bRISC designer) e-mail: P.S. The Micro-bRISC has evolved greatly since the free public domain version, so please contact me directly if you have any questions on upgrading.