Since most if not all PIC users need the CPU to be able to monitor sensors and perform some processing. You may be surprised to find that this is already patented - so we are all infringers, what a bummer ? Paste from patent 4924418 (sorry you'll have to widen your window) Yes this was issued May 1990 - I do not jest... >ABSTRACT: A method and apparatus are provided for monitoring a plurality of functions and > conditions of a machine which includes a plurality of sensors for producing sensor signals > corresponding to these functions and conditions. The monitoring method comprises providing at > least one monitoring module having a plurality of inputs, each for receiving a selected one of > the sensor signals. The module also has a processor responsive to the sensor signals at the > inputs for producing display signals corresponding to the associated functions and conditions, > a display responsive to the display signals for producing observable indications of the > corresponding functions and conditions, and a memory for storing data and instructions for > enabling the processor to respond to the sensor signals from any of the sensors for monitoring > any of the corresponding functions and conditions. The method proceeds by programming the > memory with data and instructions for monitoring the plurality of functions and conditions of > the machine. The aforementioned monitoring module comprises the apparatus of the invention. Is this a case of the patent examiner not being aware of any 'prior art' by not bothering to look up a few brochures from the various companies that produced these types of modules back as far as 1980 ? You should see the claims - even worse and more open-ended ! Does microchip know they are selling chips which will most likely infringe this patent ? Any patent lawyers out there care to calm our bruised egos ? Rgds Mike Some say there is no magic but, all things begin with thought then it becomes academic, then some poor slob works out a practical way to implement all that theory, this is called Engineering - for most people another form of magic. Massen