While we are on the subject.. I would like to thank Bob for posting his design for us all to use I have mine up and running. I could not find video or DD motor so I used a motor from cassette tape recorder ( it probably won't last long running 24 hours a day though ). The spinning arm I mounted vertical with the led's mounted on it without the 90 Deg bend. Bob's program works great on this setup, the three poles give me one display per rev. mclockt.hex with the smaller numbers work best on this setup. The only reasons for the changes I have made are that I did not have any other motor and vertical spinning makes it easier to mount on a wall, I have a six year old (and friends) who (still) have ten fingers Thanks again Bob -- Peter Cousens email: peter@cousens.her.forthnet.gr snailmail: Peter Cousens, karteros, Heraklion, Crete, 75100, Greece, phone: + 3081 380534, +3081 324450 voice/fax After Bill Gates announced to the world that he was Microsoft, his wife was asked to comment. She said that as his wife, she had been the first to notice this problem