Anil Patel wrote: > > I'd like to program 16C73A devices with my PIC84PGM programmer (Don > McKenzie). I am planning on building up a 28-pin ZIF socket to connect to > the 10-pin header that is included on the PIC84PGM programmer. If I > understand correctly, I'll need to wire up the RB7, RB6, VCC, GND, and MCLR > pins from the 10-pin header to the appropriate positions on the 28-pin ZIF > socket. > > I'd like to know what I should use to program the part. I've been using the > PICPROG programming software (Nigel Goodwin) with success to program 16C84 > parts, but I assume this software won't work for EPROM parts since the > timing for programming will be different. > > I looked at the PGM16CXX software (Ken Segler) and it looks like it will > program 16c73 parts, but I'm worried about the additional code protect bits > in the 16c73a part and wondering what this programmer will do with them > since it doesn't list the 16c73a part specifically. > > Thanks, > --Anil No Nigel Goodwin's software will only do 84's, but very nicely. I have spoken to Nigel recently about catering for the F84, however I think all he really needs is a device to try. Ken Segler's software last count, didn't cater for the two code protect bits. I sent him Email about this a long time ago, but haven't heard anything back. Still with us Ken? Octavio Nogueira (TATO Computers) last time I looked, didn't support it either, however I think he has some 'A' parts support. Perhaps he will reply to this and update us. Antti Lukats (SiStudio) doesn't support it yet in his PIP02 driver. Rest assured I have prompted him about this and the F84 support. I know that the 'A' parts are gradually replacing the old versions. I can no longer get non-'A' PIC16C74/JW parts. I wonder if the same thing will happen with the C84. Sorry I couldn't give you anything positive on the Davit Tait type programmer software upgrades. Perhaps someone else can. Maybe even David knows. :) As new devices come out, you can rest assured the saga will continue. :) At: you will find the wiring of the header to the 28 pin socket. Also the combination of my DT.001 board, (updated PIC84PGM) and a PIC.003 SimmStick board will do this job for you. Don McKenzie SLI, the serial LCD that auto detects baud rates from 100 to 125K bps. SimmStick(tm) A PIC proto PCB the size of a 30 pin Simm Memory Module. Covers all versions of the PIC16cxx family plus the Atmel AT89C2051.