I'd like to program 16C73A devices with my PIC84PGM programmer (Don McKenzie). I am planning on building up a 28-pin ZIF socket to connect to the 10-pin header that is included on the PIC84PGM programmer. If I understand correctly, I'll need to wire up the RB7, RB6, VCC, GND, and MCLR pins from the 10-pin header to the appropriate positions on the 28-pin ZIF socket. I'd like to know what I should use to program the part. I've been using the PICPROG programming software (Nigel Goodwin) with success to program 16C84 parts, but I assume this software won't work for EPROM parts since the timing for programming will be different. I looked at the PGM16CXX software (Ken Segler) and it looks like it will program 16c73 parts, but I'm worried about the additional code protect bits in the 16c73a part and wondering what this programmer will do with them since it doesn't list the 16c73a part specifically. Thanks, --Anil