Apparently the new toll road being built in Toronto, Canada uses PIC devices as the transponders, it will be interesting to see the results. At 01:05 PM 3/11/97 +0100, you wrote: >>Hi, >> >>Does anyone have any informations about transponder, like the one used >>in cars to pay toll? Is it possible to do one with PIC? >> >>Cheers, >> >>Octavio > >In Norway we have a system built on the SAW (Surface Acoustic Waves) principle. > >The transponders contain a PCB and a single SAW chip. >The chip contains a pattern that corresponds to a unique serial number. > >When a car passes, the system sends out a powerful RF signal >from an antenna pointed at the car, and the transponder reflects a slightly >modified signal (modified according to the serial number) that is >received by the system. > >The transponder contains no batteries or other power source. > >A database holds information about payments/number of passings etc for each >serial number. > >I don't know how this is done in other countries. > >I know of people that pull down the sunscreen, turn on full lights, and steps >on the loud pedal before passing.... > >Anyway, I don't think it is possible to use a PIC to a thing like this. > >If it was possible, you would have to get hold of someone elses serial number >and then they would hav to pay for your passings.... > >Remember, the above applies only to the system commonly used in Norway. > >-Oyvind > > Thanks. **************************************************** __ Micheal Yano ---- Internet: -CIMTEK- IBMMAIL: i1320285@IBMMAIL.COM ------------ Voice: (905)847-8811 x22 FAX: (905)847-8822 ****************************************************