A new software update of the PIC-1 software is available for download from our ftp site. The complete URL is: ftp://itutech.com/members/ITU/support/pic-1/pic-1.zip The new update supports the PIC16C55/6/7/8/9 and PIC12C families of microcontrollers. Fully embedded configuration bits and ID Location bytes in .HEX files are supported for all processors. We have also corrected bugs in the 12C support. Please read the README.TXT file for information on the programs included, programming notes, and how to build your own adapters. The PIC-1 software is for use with the original PIC-1 and the PIC-1a programmer. This software is freeware, and you can build your own programmer from scratch using the plans in the October 1995 issue of Nuts and Volts magazine. We, of course, also sell PCB's($15), complete kits($39), and assembled units($59). See our web page for more details. Please report any bugs found to bugs@itutech.com. Thanks! Chris ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris B. Sakkas (chris@itutech.com) http://www.itutech.com ITU Technologies (info@itutech.com) ftp://itutech.com *** Electronic Kits, PIC Programmers, and more! *** *** VISA and MasterCard accepted (513) 574-7523 ***