> Hi All > We are having major problems attempting to erase the 622, anyone > else had the simular problems. The eraser we use will clean a 71in > about 20-30 minutes but the 622 needs over 1HOUR!!! > Any ideas,reasons,solutions I have one of those cheap UV erasers, and it erases any Microchip part in a matter of minutes. I'm not quite sure how much time it uses, because I have never encountered an unerased chip. I think the timer is set to 10 minutes (or something in that area). The eraser is constructed like a bed where you put the chips upside down. This ensures that the chip is always very close to the UV source no matter the size/shape of the chip. It's about 2mm between the source and the chip, and the effect is 4W. I have never had any problems with erasing. -Dag S