>Would you use a synthetic oil - like Mobil 1 since it would have to >handle low temperatures ? AMSOIL's better than Mobil, Exxon, and Castrol synthetics. >Perhaps someone could measure the weight loss of thos twigs and do a quick >E=mc^2 calculation so we don't run out of firewood converting it all to >energy too fast ! A true story: New Jersey, prior to WWI and WWII, was a great green place. They needed charcoal to help generate steel for the wars, so guess what - they cut down all the trees in the state and used them to make charcoal. Very few trees in this state are > 75 years old, believe it or not. Those that are tend to be in the more metropolitan areas, where it wasn't economically feasible to harvest them. So, there is some reason for concern here. (I have a similar story about the trees in Germany during WWII, as related by my mother [who was German back then]). >Yah got me on that one - link the price of launch to the pay packet of the >Directors of Morton Thiokol ! My grandfather used to work for them, prior to that it was Rocketdyne and Reaction Motors. Andy ================================================================== Andy Kunz - Montana Design - 409 S 6th St - Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 Hardware & Software for Industry & R/C Hobbies "Go fast, turn right, and keep the wet side down!" ==================================================================