In a message dated 97-03-07 15:42:48 EST, you write: << In a message dated 97-03-05 06:32:37 EST, you write: >Peter, >Lots O Luck with those two pieces of S____. I struggled with WinDraft and >WinBoard for several months and I came to several conclusions: >1) The writers of these applications (and they barely qualify as >applications) have not now or ever have written Windows code. (and this >includes these two things) >2) These two programs started out as a high school fortran project on a >comadore PET. and later ported to Windows. >3) The writers of these two programs have sighed a serect pact with all of >the other low cost PCB packages on the market with the net effect of making >everyone else look good, including other high school fortran projects! > I thought you were joking until I spent half a day reviewing these two programs. Now I know you weren't joking. In fact, you may have been too kind. No wonder they're free. (I guess you get what you pay for.) >> Peter, Yeah I might have padded the truth a bit but I didn't want to hurt your feelings. After all you may have been one of the people (like me) that paid $29.95 for it. I know it costs a bit more than free but SuperCad and SuperPCB from Mental Automation (the're on the net) worked out great for me. I couldn't quite muster the $5000+ for OrCad. I got both packages in the professional version for about $800. They have a scaled down version for low end use (4"X4" and two layer) for around $150(?). Its not without bugs but then what is. At least I have used it to produce 8 PCB's to date and some were up to 6 layers. No complaints from the board house. I hate to get those condesending calls from the head layout guy at the PCB house telling me 25 different ways that my layout sucks! Good luck Dave Duley V.P. DreiTek inc.