At 11:53 AM 3/5/97 -0500, you wrote: >In a message dated 97-03-05 06:32:37 EST, you write: >Peter, >Lots O Luck with those two pieces of S____. I struggled with WinDraft and >WinBoard for several months and I came to several conclusions: >1) The writers of these applications (and they barely qualify as >applications) have not now or ever have written Windows code. (and this >includes these two things) >2) These two programs started out as a high school fortran project on a >comadore PET. and later ported to Windows. >3) The writers of these two programs have sighed a serect pact with all of >the other low cost PCB packages on the market with the net effect of making >everyone else look good, including other high school fortran projects! > I thought you were joking until I spent half a day reviewing these two programs. Now I know you weren't joking. In fact, you may have been too kind. No wonder they're free. (I guess you get what you pay for.)