>> It seems to be easier to press buttons and ask questions than do it. > >actually it is much easier and cheaper, I am just a student, crystals are >expensive here and I thought I'd ask if it's possible (maybe somebody did >it before) before spending US$80 on a crystal. I've found lots of crystals and TTL oscillator types from old 286/386/486 motherboards - that sold at auction for $2 to $10 each. Also speak to some of the repair companies - they throw a whole board out and can't be bothered desoldering the crystals. I've now got a collection of about 100 or so TTL oscillators from 8Mhz to 80Mhz with all sorts of unusual values in-between. SOme at 36Mhz which are great if you are into overclocking a 33Mhz PC, these came from old HP-IB equipment and a HP1000 interface board - the whole cabinet was $20 at auction. Some more electrons resulting in matter... Rgds Mike Some say there is no magic but, all things begin with thought then it becomes academic, then some poor slob works out a practical way to implement all that theory, this is called Engineering - for most people another form of magic. Massen