Hi, I had always assumed that PIC stands for Peripheral Interface Controller as the PIC FAQ also states. But I have been having a disscusion in a usenet group and he seems to beleive otherwise. Could someone enlighten me? Below follows the last message. Regards Simon On Sun, 2 Mar 1997 18:31:21 GMT, in alt.satellite.tv.crypt mzenier@netcom.com (Mark Zenier) wrote: >in <3318c1b3.1360668@news.demon.co.uk>, >: Simon Thompson (simon@tyrant.demon.co.uk) wrote: >: On Sat, 1 Mar 1997 03:47:41 GMT, mzenier@netcom.com (Mark Zenier) >: wrote: > >: >Sorry. According to my 1977 General Instruments Semi. division >: >(Microchip's corporate predecessor) databook, it was orginally >: >Programmable Intelligent Computer, but a few years later mutated >: >into Programmable Intelligent Controller. >... >: GI also generated a 16 bit microprocessor, called the CP1600, in the >: early 70s. This was a reasonable microprocessor, but not particularly >: good at handling i/os. For some very specific applications where good >: i/o handling was needed, GI designed a Peripheral Interface Controller >: (or PIC for short), in around 1975. It was designed to be very fast, >: since it was i/o handling for a 16 bit machine, but didn't need a huge >: amount of functionality, so its microcoded instruction set was small. > >: Hopefully, you can see what's coming....yes, the architecture designed >: in '75 is substantially the PIC16C5x architecure today. Granted, the >: 1975 version was manufactured in NMOS, and was only available in >: masked ROM versions, but still a good little uC. The market, however, >: didn't particularly think so, and the PIC remained designed in at a >: handful of large customers only. > >This smells of revisionist history. The CP1600 was a pared down >variation of a PDP-11 and would be just as capable of I/O as any >comparable low end high integration minicomputer of the day. (That chip >was typical GI quirky. It was a 16 bit machine but the instruction set >only used 10 bits, And GI made 10 bit ROMs for program storage). At >that point in time, machines were boxes full of boards connected with a >bus and I/O would have been implemented at the functional level of >boards. > >A chapter in a computer architecture text from 1982, "Computer >Structures: Principles and Examples" states some of the design issues >for the PIC16xx family. It was designed as a more powerful competitor >to the 4 bit TMS1000, the main single chip controller of that time. >(Although the 8048 and 3870 actually ended up the winners, IMHO). > >But as for the name, you don't call a Pentium a 586, or Windows 95 by >Chicago, Spokane, Humptulips, or what ever city name used for the >internal development at Microsoft. Likewise, the PIC1650 was named in >the datasheets as "Programmable Intelligent Computer" back in 1977, and >according to a history of the chip in "Computer Structures" was changed >to "Programmable Intelligent Controller" in the 1979 literature. > >Unless you can come up with some sales literature that predates that, >I'd say the Peripheral is a matter of poor memory and spin. > >Mark Zenier mzenier@eskimo.com mzenier@netcom.com >