>hello, > why don't you just try it and find out what happens... >vishram. Good and obvious question, though you were first :) It seems to be easier to press buttons and ask questions than do it. Before I got connected to internet I couldn't ask any questions and tried all sorts of things myself - I am amazed sometimes at the questions I've seen since I subscribed. Oh and I'm not having a go at the current originator of this thread - just suggesting a more intelligent use of our gestalt. Maybe simple things should really be tried first - then comments questions posted after we have failed to reason things out for ourselves. This way some of us might learn something instead of getting habituated to being spoon fed and might save some exasperation on the more experienced members etc. But I suppose there is always going to be an issue over just what is simple in one persons mind - I think that if you've got the bits in your lab, then just save us bandwidth and try the damn thing - then we can have an intelligent discussion as to imrovements or explanations if it doesn't work when we think it really should ! Perhaps I'm wrong - don't we all have meters, power supplies and Ohms Law ? If we are lucky to have a CRO or logic analyser then our posts will be more grounded in reality than conjecture and spoon fed reasoning. Just my few electrons worth... Rgds Mike Perth, Western Australia Some say there is no magic but, all things begin with thought then it becomes academic, then some poor slob works out a practical way to implement all that theory, this is called Engineering - for most people another form of magic. Massen