Miller, Steve wrote: Hello, Has anyone attempted to do an IRDA data transfer with a PIC? I am working on an application where a PIC will be powered by two coin cells. An IR LED will provide data transmission to a handheld device. The IRDA receivers look interesting as they do not seem to require a modulated carrier like TV remotes. IRDA is limited to 1meter and my spec is only 6 inches so distance is not a problem. My main problem on reception is signal level variations. I am hoping that the AGC circuit in the IRDA receiver will take care of this. I could build a receiver with AGC out of some opamps, but I don't have the time to fuss with it. Has anyone seen a detailed example of the IRDA waveform? I know it is a NRZ inverted format, but I am fuzzy on the START and STOP bits. Since this will be a closed system, I do not have to fully follow the spec. I just need to be close enough that the IRDA parts will operate in my devices. Thanks for your help. ----- Steve The main difference to RS232 is that the ones (pulses) have a lenght of 3/16 of a bit to conserve power and that it is half duplex. The bit rate should not be less than 9600 b/s although some mfgrs allow 2400. Take a look the Temic website, you require 115 kb/s it should be easy to implement a soft IRDA UART with a PIC, preferably with interrupt. Goeran Moerk