> Who here is using a PIC as a I2C master (controller)? > I'm investigating the PIC as a controller, particularly the 16C73, for I2C > video chips (such as the closed-caption decoders from Philips and Zilog). We've done this via code (not built-in I2C support). We've done both master and slave. In one case, due to port limitations, we built a 4 unit I2C bus, putting PC data into the main application chip via I2C bus. We used an interrupt line to let the bus master know it should begin a read. I2C clock devices also use interrupt or 'alarm' lines if you want a regular wakeup call (say once every 24 hours). When the clock alarm line comes high, reset the alarm for the next wakeup: PIC (Main application, bus master) PC-----Serial------PIC Clock Memory