At 02:06 AM 5/3/97 -0800, you wrote: >Tim Kerby wrote: Andy wrote: >The more interactive you can make the programming process, the >better... An emulator and oscilloscope at each student's desk would >be the ideal, of course, but since that's impossible, you should at A non-real time is not so much impossible - our first demo of 0.00 USD PIC emulator is freely downloadable, and simulates/emulates a PIC12C508, allowing the use of LPT port as simulation POD. Other hardware can also be used as POD, like a PIC programmer or Hi-Lo universal programmer, well that is not for students. A new version will support IO extenders made out of PIC16C84. That is not real time emulation, but for some tasks even non-real time IO simulation is enough. and it is nice to run a program in PC simulator and see the actual leds to blink under the PIC program control. The current release of 12C508 is beta but I did use to test I2C read write routines and successfully worked with a real 24C16 device. antti PS other PIC will be supported to, by our 0.00 USD emulators, later... -- Silicon Studio Ltd. --