>Slightly off subject but not really since I need the info for a PIC >project. > > Can anyone tell me the easiest way to view serial data coming into >a PC. >All I am really looking for are some Qbasic commands to display serial data >coming from a PIC or elsewhere. > Jeff the following is a copy of a reply I sent to someone else and allows you to write as well as read the serial port. (It is taken from a larger program) under setup, the port address for the appropriate port (com1 or com2) is declared as a variable for use in later routines. The line OPEN " etc " is important as it configures the port as to baud rate etc. All the info is in the QBAsic Help menu. under sub-routines, the outbyte routine takes a variable (dout%, derived elsewhere in the program) and puts it on the output port. The inbyte routine reads the value on the input port and declares it as a variable (din%) Because the baud rate is 9600, this means that sending or receiving a byte of data takes about 1 mSec, hence it is useful to use a delay routine when sending successive bytes of data. hope this helps Steve REM Set up _______________________________________________________________ comport% = &H3F8 OPEN "com1:9600,n,8,1,bin,cd0,cs0,ds0,op0" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = 1 REM Sub-Routine Area ____________________________________________________ outbyte: OUT comport%, dout% RETURN inbyte: din% = INP(comport%) REM Jeff, this is the read line RETURN delay: REM 1 millisecond delay del = 3 REM value of del depends on clock speed DO del = del - 1 LOOP UNTIL del = 0