>Sorry if this is an old thread, but does anyone know if FORTH is available for >the PIC16/17 families? Following is a copy of a message that Leon Heller posted to the list on the 17th Jan... =A few days ago Mike Watson posted details of a Forth compiler for the =C84. I downloaded it and tried it out, and was pleasantly surprised to =find that it seems to be quite usable. It came with a demo program that =repeatedly outputs a message via RA0 at 9600 baud serial. The demo =program compiled and assembled without any problems, and appeared to =output serial data when I put a 'scope probe on RA0. It doesn't seem to =have a word defined for serial input, so I might have a go at that for =myself. In-line assembler can be used for speed-critical code, like =serial I/O. = =It is available from: = = ftp://ftp.taygeta.com/pub/Forth/Misc/ = =Get the self-extracting archive file F2PIC.EXE. = =Leon =-- =Leon Heller, G1HSM =leon@lfheller.demon.co.uk =Tel: +44 (0) 118 947 1424 (home) = +44 (0) 1344 385556 (work) ___Bob