Hi all, some time ago, I posted, that there is a difference between manual/simulator and the real-world 17C44: The table latch used for Table-Reads and Table-Writes are different, that is, you cannot table-read a double-byte value, write a new value into one of the table latch halves and table-write them back into RAM / EPROM. The second - unaffected - byte will be filled with an arbitrary value - resulting from an earlier action. The simulator (and the manual too) allows this simplified read-modify- write cycle, but the 17C44 doesn't. Does anybody know, if the new released 17C5xx has the same "feature"? (It's a pity, that Microchip has never responded - neither to my posting nor to a direct email...) regards, Wolfram +-----------------------------------------------------+ | Wolfram Liebchen | | Forschungsinstitut fŸr Optik, TŸbingen, Deutschland | | mailto:liebchen@ffo.fgan.de | +-----------------------------------------------------+