At 07:09 AM 04/03/1997 +0200, you wrote: >They can be set using the programmers front end software or by using the >following in you source code: > > __CONFIG _XT_OSC & _WDT_ON & _PWRTE_OFF & _CP_OFF > >This will be compiled into your hex file & any intelligent programmer will >pick it up. All except ICE Technologies in England. I now have a $1500 MM1000 boat anchor in regards to PIC programming. Their advertising literature spoke of upgradability so I bought into that. Seems now that they were busy designing a newer non-compatible version while selling off the older one. Guess what? They only support the new unit new device upgrades. Wouldn't recomend that company to anyone. John > >---------- >> From: Paul Curtis Bennett >> To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU >> Subject: Config Bits... >> Date: 03 March 1997 11:37 >> >> Okay, this is probably a stupid question, but I was >> wondering how to set the config bits (for a 16c84 -- >> doesn't matter which, just the general idea). >> >> In the Microchip data book, it says that they are >> set via a 'special mode' during programming. >> >> Does this mean you set them manually while using a >> programmer? Or can/do you set them in the source >> code? >> >> (I know this is MUCH easier than it seems...) >> >> Paul Bennett >> >> >> Robotic Building Priciples: >> 1) If it isn't nailed down, it's a potential robot part >> 2) If it is nailed down, find a prybar, then refer to 1 > > Pioneers are the ones, face down in the mud, with arrows in their backs. Automation Artisans Inc. Ph. 1-250-544-4950 PO Box 20002 Fax 1-250-544-4954 Sidney, BC CANADA V8L 5C9