Long question, long answer ! Some time ago, I experiment the receiver problems when I connected on RS422 ( which is the almost the same as RS 485 ) some control systems using 80c552 ( an expanded version of 8051) and a PC. The protocol was like this : the PC queries the stations one at the time. The PC transmitter was activated, it sends an address ( that all the stations listen), then it was deactivated and the PC listens for the response. It appeared the following problem : in the idle periods of the bus ( when neither transmitter was enabled ) the bus floats and the receiver TTL output ( which are all enabled) goes in an impredictable state ( because of the input histeresis) or even oscillates. The solution I found was like this : I prepolarised the bus so it keeps the polarity when neither transmitter is enabled. I used two solutions : 1. Two 1k resistors, one from the + line to VCC, other from - line to GND ( VCC and GND of the RS422/485 driver ). This gives an aprox. 120 mv between lines when the bus is idle 2. I replaced one 100 ohm terminator resistor with 2x200 ohm resistors, one from + line to VCC, other from - line to GND. This gives an 1V voltage between lines in the idle periods. I hope it is useful for you, Dorin --------------------------------- Dorin Dogaroiu Research Institute for Computers Bucarest, Romania Email : dogaroiud@pcnet.pcnet.ro ddorin@kappa.ro --------------------------------- >This is pretty long... > >I have two boards with 16c63 parts connected to LTC485 485 drivers. Pin C5 >is used to enable the driver. The receiver is enabled at all times. > >Any ideas? > >Thanks, > >Kevin Russell >kevin.russell@null.net > >