Maybe not an oscilliscope, but my company built a PIC based logic probe for internal use. A PIC (16C57) uses an 8 bit port as an 8 probe logic analyzer and sends the data back to a PC via serial comms. We use an 8 kbyte memory device to hold readings, support reading rates from 12.5 us to 2000 us per sample, delays from +50 to -50%, trigger on any pin high, low, rising or falling and allow zoom via mouse. The WIn APP also supports data collection from a real storage scope and we're working on spectrum analyzer collection now. This allows us VERY flexible monitoring of many devices. We can save data from our WIN app and send it to other sites so we can communicate problems via captured data: we can sit on the phone and say 'now zoom in on the second spike on probe 2'. It was well worth our development effort. We're not selling this at this time (to my knowledge), but if the demand is there? Even if we don't sell, the project isn't too awful for a serious hobby person if they really want to capture data. I find 8 logic probes way more valuable than an 8 bit scope probe in areas like serial communication: I want to know if something is high or low, relative voltages don't matter to me. We do radio apps, and I add 'strobes' to my code during development: raise an unused port Y when I am in test X, toggle port Z when I am sampling data, etc. Collect data on up to 6 strobe pins, the TX line from unit A and the RX line on unit B, you can really see where you are screwing up. Ed Todd