Hi All PICers ! > Organization: Monash University Engineering > Subject: Serial Comms > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > I'm using a PIC project for data aquisition and when > complete will down load it's data to a PC for analysis. > > I know this next bit is not PIC related, but I am planning > on using Delphi to create a Windows interface for the > project to give it an easy user interface when it is > complete. Has anyone addressed a > problem like this before, and if so could you provide some > help as serial comms on a PC seems to be a complex issue. > > Tony The are many Delphi's COM-port related components! Most of it are freeware, but something not (for example Async Professional by TurboPower Software Co.) E-mail me directly if you want something :-) Best Wishes, Alex Torres. Kharkov, Ukraine, exUSSR. E-Mail To : altor@cook.kharkov.ua via InterNet or 2:461/28 via FidoNet --- GoldED 2.50.A0531+