At 06:27 PM 26/02/97 -0500, you wrote: >Hello everyone! > >I would like to make a little program that sends a high on the RA0 pin to >light up a LED. I think it should be simple enought, but because this is my >first attempt in programming a PIC, Im not to sure... > >This is the main part of the program. If something is wrong or missing, please >tell me! > > BSF PORTA, RA0 ; Want to put 1 on RA0 pin > BSF TRISA, TRISA0 ; Output a high on RA0 pin > >Would this work? Does it send the signal to the pin at the same moment that >I set in the TRISA register pin RA0 as output? > >Thank you! >Jean-Francois >----------- >Jean-Francois & Alain Joly > Please advise what PIC you are using as some setups are different. To have the port pin as an output you must set the direction bit to zero, ie BCF TRISA,0 Best of luck, Peter Grey Neosystems Australia