Hello all, I've been reading this list for a while now.I'm just begining to learn about PIC's,and I'm also just learning to program for the PC. I have a project I'd like to build. I can handle the PC side of it but its going to take to long to get up to speed on the PIC and electronic side of this. Now on to the details,what I want to do is count the number of revelotions of two wheels (two independent counts) vs time.This can be a running count but the count value needs to be taken and stored every 1/100 second,for download latter to a PC. Also I need to measure DC voltage and amperage every 1/100 second,store this for download to PC latter. I will need to store two to three seconds of data, the voltage will range from 0 to 30 volts dc,the amperage will range from 0 to 250 amps and the wheels will give pulses of 0 to 8333 per second. The data will be downloaded to a PC via serial port on request from the PC. If you are interested in this or need more info you can e-mail me at badgun@ix.netcom.com or you can call me at 612.434.1719,the best time to reach me is before 10:00 am or after 8:00 pm central time. If you would like me to call you e-mail your phone number to me. PLEASE dont reply to the list,you have to use my e-mail address to reach me. Thank you Rod Haller badgun@ix.netcom.com