I would like to contract someone to create a Microchip microcontroller based interface to the Allen Bradley DH485 network. The communication protocol is documented in one of their publications but I don't have the time to dedicate to learning it. I have the following requirement / wish list for this "Interface Microcontroller": - A Microchip microcontroller (STAMP? or 16C/17C series processor) based interface to communicate with a SLC500 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) at 9.6 or 19.2KBaud. - Must be able to re-establish communications upon disconnect or error and must incorporate the protocols CRC. - Communications to this "Interface Microcontroller" from another microcontroller to be either RS232 or IC2. - I would like to be able to send commands to tell the interface microcontroller which file type and how many words to read or write. - I would like to be able to communicate in the DH485 network that could consist of 2 to 31 devices addressed as device numbers 0 - 31. I would like to be able to set the "Interface Microcontrollers" device address over the RS232 or IC2 communication channel. Would require a breadboarded, working prototype. If you are familiar with Allen Bradley's DH or DH485 communications and would like to quote on the above project feel free to call or send e-mail. James_Fillmore@XYZTech.com http://www.XYZTech.com XYZ Technologies, Inc 5510 Gatewood Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (810) 939-9715 (fax (810) 939-4514)