At 02:22 PM 20/02/97 -0500, you wrote: >Well, I've had a similar problem with a PIC16C55 running itself off >external sensor input lines! I finnally had to use a relay that shut the >Vcc to GND after the power was off (the inputs didn't have enough current >to drive the relay without main power) In the future I plan to use optical >isolation to eliminate the problem... I wish there was a slicker way... >Anybody know how to ensure the PIC will shut off even with voltage applied >to its inputs/outputs? Why does it HAVE to shut off if there's enough power to run it from the sensor lines ? Unless its a power waste - just use another I/O pin to read the power etc So if it keeps running then effectively make it do nothing by a continuous loop - or think up some clever way for it to do something (useful) when its not running - like self tests }:o) Rgds Mike Some say there is no magic but, all things begin with thought then it becomes academic, then some poor slob works out a practical way to implement all that theory, this is called Engineering - for most people another form of magic. Massen