In a message dated 97-02-20 03:36:29 EST, you write: << Hi all, Wonder if someone can help me. Im in the middle of trying to write a small program, but I cant figure out why I keep getting a error from MPASM on the following line. newlin MOVLW c0h This keeps on giving the following on compiling: Error LCD_PHIL.ASM 289 : Undefined argument (c0h) Yet, the following line seems to compile OK: MOVLW 02h To me, it would seem that it is not accepting c0h as a Hex number to load into W. If that is the case then why. Else, what am I doing wrong ? TIA. -- Philip Martin email Royal Quays, North Shields >> Philip, Try 0C0H Some hex numbers need a leading zero for the assembler to properly identify it as a hex number. Personally I like Motorolla's "$" indicator your number would be $C0. Easier to parse. Dave Duley