Hi Brian, >MOVLW B'00000000' ;SET PORTC AS ALL OUTPUTS >TRIS PORTC ; '' >CLRF PORTC ;CLEAR THE PORT The PIC16C74 has two banks of registers. As it happens the TRIS registers are located in the upper bank. I don't think the TRIS PORTC command in your example will work.... I was under the impression something more like this is required... left MOVLW B'00000000' ; load W with desired directions BSF STATUS,RP0 ; shift to the upper register bank MOVWF TRISC ; set the C port TRIS BCF STATUS,RP0 ; shift back to the lower registers CLRF PORTC ; clear the C port This is the way the app notes for the 16C74 are written at any rate... If anyone knows this is not required, I would be interested to hear about it... Bob Segrest