At 04:14 PM 2/18/97 -0500, you wrote: >I managed to get my program coded and fed it into the MAPLAB for simulation. Things started branching about erratically and I went back to the books to read about the PCL, PCLATH and page boundaries. I also read AN556, "Implementing a Table Read". This is the one reason that the Parallax assembler is a little better then Microchip's. >What confuses me is that the GOTO Asub in the 'dest' table worked without any problems... and it is not in the same 8 bit page of memory either... But if you _know_ the state of the PCLAT bits, you don't need to change them. It is not uncommon to have something of the like: org 200h Rtn1 ... return org 400h ; set bits appropriately using Parallax's lcall lcall Rtn1 movwf temp1 call Rtn1 movwf temp1 ljmp Rtn2 ; set bits back to this page to continue processing. ... Rtn2 ... Once the bits have been set, they remain set until you change them. The full 13-bit PC was stored on the call, but the return does NOT change them back to what you think they were before. >PS: Every time I send mail to the PICLIST, the mail bounces back as undeliverable and I never see a copy of the messages I post come back from the mailing list. However my posts appear to be going out because I see the responses coming back to the mailing list. Is this normal ??? I get the message for my postings as well, and they always come from Administrator at, addressed to some woman there. My guess is that her e-mail address changed, and the list tries to send her a message, but because her account was deleted, the unix machine just sends you a message to let you know. Parallax has a neat "Boing" utility to delete these automatically. Perhaps they can be persuaded to share it with the rest of the net world. Andy ================================================================== Andy Kunz - Montana Design - 409 S 6th St - Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 Hardware & Software for Industry & R/C Hobbies "Go fast, turn right, and keep the wet side down!" ==================================================================