Email abuse in the form of bulk advertising is becoming a major nuisance on the net as the volume of this junk is rising and threatens to become a flood. The recently established forum on the problem, quickly became one of the most active newsgroups as posters discuss instances and varieties of this abuse -- including spammers who become vindictive when challenged and have been known to send nasty, threatening messages or mailbomb people who complain to their ISP's, etc. The spammers gather email addresses from newsgroup postings, web sites and mail servers (like this one). The problem became so acute for me that I changed ISP's to get a new email address, which I've kept secret, and so far haven't received any junk spam. On the other hand, I also stopped contributing to this forum for the same reason, as posting here makes one's email address visible to all subscribers (some of which may be spammers themselves). I recently got another account (this one) and am posting this message as a test to see if I get any advertising spam at this email address, which will not be used in any other way, ie. no newsgroup postings, etc. The result will be posted here if anyone's interested.