A lot of messages are dealing with OUTPUT expansion questions. Has someone put N (N >= 2) PIC16C84 TOGETHER ? I mean, when the application allows and there are only a few fixed _input_ ports needed (fitting the limitations of each single one PIC), the N PICs could work almost synchronously together (each one its own program) to generate output signals, each one working essentially the SAME program, but generating different parts of the output "word" When the application allows, the PIC's "could" even run seperately - on their individual clocks. The K outbits would have some jitter, but limited jitter. But of course, it would be clever, to let one PIC (here: PIC-1) master the others, to avoid an external clock generator, if possible. !!==> PIC-1 ===> outputs bits 1..i =========> !! ! !! v clock together !! ! ==INPUTS===>=+===> PIC-2 ===> output bits (i+1) .. j ====> we now !! ! !! v have .... ... !! ! K output bits !!==> PIC-N ===> output bits (..) .. K =====> Has someone any experience with tying clocks together ? For some (limited) applications, not for all, the use of N PICs would be cheaper than to invest in latches, shift-registers and multiplexers. I would really be interested in some circuit designs showing the feasibility ! Wherever you are, have a nice day ! Tom ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas Gries written 14/02/97 04:42:46 MET The Hague/The Netherlands http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/4889 . __ .__. priv.: Tel/Fax: (+31) 70-3502932 gries@ibm.net |_/_ \\ office: Tel.: (+31) 70-3403486 gries@epo.e-mail.com | \__//__. -------------------------------------------------------------------