Hey... Can anyone help this guy? I know next to nothing about MPLAB-SIM. ------- Begin Forwarded Message ------ From: hausch Organization: FH Mannheim / DK-Labor I'm using the MPLAB-Sim since a few days and I want to change my I/O-Pins with a Stimulus file, like I did in MPSIM. I use the Debug>Simulator Stimulus menu to open my *.sti file (the same I wrote for the MPSIM). After that, when I single step through the programm with the F7 key, none of the pins changes state. What can it be ? How can I set the injection point to "time" like I did with the "IP time"-command in the MPSIM? Because it didn't work with the stimulus-file, I tried to change the pins like I did in the MPSIM with the "SE ***"-command. But this won't work, too. ??!!?? ------ End of Forwarded Message ------- If you know the answers to his questions, please send them directly to him at hausch@dkagt.fh-mannheim.de; I don't think he's on the list. Thanks. -Andy === Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com === === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === === === === Custodian of the PICLIST Fund -- For more info, see: === === http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499/fund.html ===