Hello, You can find the new version of P16PRO low cost PIC programmer for middle range MICROCHIP microcontrollers at address (URL) http://www.uni-mb.si/~uel205e7b/ - P16PR301.ZIP With P16PRO following devices can be programmed by now: PIC14000, PIC16C554, PIC16C556, PIC16C558, PIC16C61, PIC16C62, PIC16C62A, PIC16CR62, PIC16C63, PIC16C64, PIC16C64A, PIC16CR64, PIC16C65, PIC16C65A, PIC16C620, PIC16C621, PIC16C622, PIC16C710, PIC16C71, PIC16C711, PIC16C72, PIC16C73, PIC16C73A, PIC16C74, PIC16C74A, PIC16F83, PIC16CR83, PIC16C84, PIC16F84, PIC16CR84, PIC16C923 and PIC16C924 and you can simply add new devices by changing DEVICE.INI file: (you must enter program size, data size, fuses type and algorithm type) You can use different hardware schemes with P16PRO (e.g. David Tait's...). P16PRO supports now two programming voltages (for 18 and for 40 (28) PIN PICs). Please take a look and send me your comments. Bojan Dobaj Slovenia