Hi Eric, > > The word was you needed to READ the JW part before programming > > I don't have any 12C50x JW parts yet, but when I do get them I > think I'll read the value and write it on the ceramic with a > permanent marker. I think I've got a sufficiently fine-tipped > one around here somewhere. Might have to write it on the > bottom, though. They are so small you have to sribe the value on the lid (all metal and window) with a needle, bottom might be ok but gets obscured by the protective socket. Cheers -- Kalle Pihlajasaari kalle@ip.co.za http://www.ip.co.za/ip Interface Products P O Box 15775, DOORNFONTEIN, 2028, South Africa + 27 (11) 402-7750 Fax: 402-7751 http://www.ip.co.za/people/kalle DonTronics, Silicon Studio and Wirz Electronics uP Product Dealer