Hi PICers, I have a trouble. A big trouble. I want to hook a LCD module to pic16c84. I build a schematics - it uses 8 bit interface. I get Microchip application note AN??? (sorry can't remember the number). I port it for 16c84, program the chip and ...nothing happens. I use 2x20 LCD with LED backlight, so I carefully examine LCD data sheet - it says Vo (LCD driving voltage) must be 0..5V, use 10K-20K pot between 5v and ground - well evereting was OK. After that I wrote a simple program that tests every line - evereting was OK, but LCD still displays nothing - only the backlite is on but LCD is empty. Here is my shematic: 10K Vcc ____ ----------- ------ o---- -----|mclr RA0|---------------|E | ---- | RA1|---------------|R/W | | RA2|---------------|RS | o-------|Vdd | | | ----|Vss RB0|---------------|D0 | | | RB1|---------------|D1 | --- | RB2|---------------|D2 | | RB3|---------------|D3 | 33p | RB4|---------------|D4 | | | | | RB5|---------------|D5 | |---| |---o-----|xtal1 RB6|---------------|D6 | | | | - | RB7|---------------|D7 | 4MHz ----- | | oVcc | | ----- | | | | | | | | - | | |---o-----|Vcc | |---| |---o-----|xtal2 | | | | | | |33p | | - | | ----------- 10K | | | | PIC16C84 | |<---|Vo | | | | | - | | | | | | |---o-----|GND | | | | ------ LCD Well thats it. I'm sure pin numbers are correct. Can any one tell me what's on the hell going on? Thank you very mutch. Any suggestions are welcome. Greg P.S. Please don't point me any URL location - I have only email access |-( Sorry